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Outpatient, minimally invasive endovascular treatment.

Based on the latest minimally invasive technological advancements, the new and state-of-the art VEA office based angiography lab allows physicians to safely perform advanced diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, which in the past were reserved for the hospital setting.

Angiography involves direct evaluation of blood flow to the legs in arteries and veins to help with wound healing or difficulty walking. Treatment is targeted to the specific condition and may include angioplasty, laser treatment, as well as stents.

Venography is performed to help with blood outflow from the extremities in the treatment of skin changes, wounds, or severe swelling.

VEA surgeons evaluate patients with claudication (vascular pain when walking), limb-threatening arterial disease with foot wounds, or vascular foot pain. Minimally invasive treatment is carried out promptly in our on-site, cutting-edge endovascular suite, with a comfortable patient experience, thanks to our highly trained and personable staff.

  Diagnostic Services/ Ultrasound Testing

VEA offers same day Vascular Ultrasound Testing to diagnose symptoms – including DVT, arterial, abdominal, renal, and mesenteric scans – by highly experienced RVT’s (registered vascular technologists), with instant feedback to the referring physician. Patients can be evaluated expeditiously for DVT without the necessity of hospitalization through the most up-to-date treatment available in an outpatient setting.


  Venous Disease & Wound Care

VEA physicians, along with an experienced RN, conduct detailed evaluations of varicose veins, venous insufficiency, leg swelling, lymphedema, and wounds. Treatment options may range from basic topical wound care to peripheral laser venous ablation or deep vein angiography and stenting, all of which are done outpatient.


  Skin Changes

Chronic swelling of the legs, darkening of the skin and non-healing wounds of the skin are symptoms frequently related to venous insufficiency. This stage of disease is more severe than varicose veins and can pose real dangers to your health. While most vein centers are not equipped to handle this serious issue, VEA surgeons have the clinical skills to provide all aspects of care for these demanding problems.


  Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Some patients can be affected by deep vein thrombosis which is a clotting process that can result in leg swelling, long term disability and risk of the clot breaking off and going to the lungs to cause a blood flow blockage called pulmonary embolus. Our office offers a comprehensive same-day vascular evaluation to diagnose and treat blood clots., which can be treated as an out-patient procedure, allowing at-home recovery rather than in a hospital. This diagnosis also requires long term follow up to prevent and treat leg swelling or skin changes that can accompany blood clots.